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PCOS Confidence Code


A step- by- step method for ambitious women who suffer from PCOS and want to regulate their periods, conquer PCOS fatigue, lose weight and finally find the confidence they desire

Pencil Scribbling

Evidence Based PCOS Information

There is so much misinformation about PCOS in the online space. It seems everywhere you look someone has a new idea of how we should manage PCOS. Most of what we see online is not rooted in evidence, is not demonstrated to be effective in managing symptoms, and can sometimes even be harmful. My goal is to provide you with what the real evidence so you can get clear on what matters and what steps to take.

Wooden Stairs

Step by Step Methodology

The program is designed to give you bite sized pieces of information each week so you can implement without overwhelm. Getting really consistent with small daily actions, is the key to long term success with your PCOS. Your plan should not feel like a chore or something you can't wait to get off of, our goal is to create a lifestyle that supports your symptoms and you LOVE.

Women Holding Hands

Community Support

Having the right support when you need it is the key to finding success in your PCOS journey. If you've ever started something and then felt like you fell off track, or "didn't have the will power to stay the course" this level of support is what you need to finally take control of your PCOS. The program provides a program specific facebook group where you can ask questions, connect with me, and share with others going through the same journey as you. 

  • Initial Visit (60 minutes)- The Assessment
    In this visit we will go over your top concerns with your health in great detail and review: Past medical history Medications & supplements Nutrition Digestive health Sleep Exercise Stress Menstrual history & hormonal assessment The goal of this visit is to help assess what's happening with your health, and allow you to feel heard and supported while I get a comprehensive overview of everything that may be contributing to your concerns. My goal is to arrive at a proper diagnosis and assessment so we can initiate the most effective treatment plan. If lab tests are recommended, they will be ordered in this visit. While we wait on test results, you will leave with something actionable to implement to get you on the path to feeling better before we meet again.
  • Second Visit (45-60 minutes) The Treatment Plan
    At this visit we will review your lab results and I will share my individualized assessment of what is going on with your hormonal health. We will then discuss how we will manage what is happening with our short term goals and long term goals. Short term goals will focus on getting you feeling better ASAP, and long term goals will focus on how we plan to support your health for the next 5-30 years. Our treatment plan may include: Nutritional counselling Nutritional supplements Hormone replacement therapy IV Vitamin therapy Acupuncture Lifestyle recommendations around sleep, stress, and movement.
  • Follow up visits (30 minutes) - Building and Fine Tuning Your Plan
    In each follow up visit we will talk about what is going well, what is not working, and the progress you're making on your health goals. We will troubleshoot solutions together to keep you moving in the right direction. It's okay if life gets in the way and you've made no changes- I still want to see you! (this is why I am here- as your cheerleader). This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions or curiosities you have about your health or bring up new concerns as they arise. The frequency of these visits varies for everyone depending on what we are working on, when hormone prescription refills may be needed, or if we are using any physical modalities like acupuncture or IV therapy. Most patients feel that after 4-6 visits (usually 4-6 weeks apart) they have a great understanding of their condition, know how to manage it, and can move to the maintenance phase.
  • Ongoing Health Support and Maintenance (30 minutes-1 hour)
    Once you have a handle on your primary concerns we plan to meet again in 6 months to a year. Our goal is to check in on overall health at this time and ensure you have ongoing support in your health journey. We can reassess areas that might need support, do a current health assessment with new lab work, or discuss results from your MD or specialist if there are any. My goal is to continue to support you through life's transitions and the hormonal changes that occur as a result. Recommended Treatment Lengths for the Ongoing Health Maintenance phase. If it has been 6 months or less since your last visit please book 30 minutes. If it has been longer than 6 months but less than 1 year please book 45 minutes. If it has been longer than 1 year please book 60 minutes.

Two ways to Enroll


PCOS Confidence Code Program with 1:1 Naturopathic Medicine Appointments

For Ontario Residents Only. Derive the most benefit out of the program by working together 1:1 as you move through it.

With 1:1 care you will access:


  • A full health assessment to address other health concerns that may or may not be related to your PCOS

  • Comprehensive lab testing to assess your PCOS and hormones, which will help guide more effective treatment

  • Individualized supplement, nutrition, movement, and lifestyle prescriptions

  • Identify how to apply what you are learning in the program to your current top concerns

  • Access medical advice and ongoing coaching throughout


It is recommended to book an Initial Naturopathic Assessment (1 hour) and then one 30 minute follow up every 3-4 weeks throughout the program for a total of 4 visit. Once you have completed the program you can enter a maintenance plan where we meet every 6 months to one year depending on your goals and support needs.

Book a complimentary PCOS Confidence Code Clarity Call to see if the program is the next best step for you


PCOS Confidence Code Self Study

Move through the content vault at your own pace and learn everything you need to know about your PCOS and how to start managing it. The program will help you sift through all the BS in the online space and get a hold of the REAL evidence based information to start changing the way you live with PCOS.


Self study comes with facebook group access where you can connect with myself and other PCOS cysters. The group allows you to ask questions, and gain support as you move through the program.


*** Please note that outside of a 1:1 Medical Visit no personal medical advice can be provided***

Waterloo, Ontario

2020 Dr. Kate Ferguson, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

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